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SwedishinHelsingborg.se – Learn Swedish in Helsingborg city in Sweden or on-line! This site is primarily for those, who is looking for learning Swedish in Helsingborg via SFI (Swedish for Immigrants) program. However, there are number of online learning materials. Have a look!
elresa.se – 100% electric! Electric cars, bikes, vehicles, and other electric things! This site is all about electric cars, bikes, scooters, vehicles and around. We want to make an Earth a better place be supporting the movement to environment friendly, pollution free means of transportation, energy consumption and production. “El resa” means “electric ride” (or travel, journey, trip, voyage) in Swedish. We like how it sounds, hence here we go!
Locatemy.bike – Bikes tracking, localization and other anti-theft solutions, news, tips and tricks.